Grades 2-8
Winter Camp
Join us for Winter Camp, a festive 2-night getaway filled with Christmas and Winter-themed activities!
Save the date: December 12-14, 2025

Winter Camp Fun
Enjoy fun traditions like 'Deck-the-Hogan' and ornament crafts, plus classic camp adventures such as archery and the climbing wall—weather permitting.

Familiar Faces
& New Friends
Reconnect with favorite counselors and friends, or invite new campers to experience the magic of Winter Camp for the first time!

Holiday Prep Time
While campers have fun, parents can tackle holiday to-do lists and prep for the season—it's the perfect holiday getaway for everyone!

Sample Camper Schedule
6 - 7 pm ▪️ Rolling check-in
7:15 pm ▪️ Welcome + night time activity
8:30 pm ▪️ Turn in
7:45 am ▪️ Sonrise
8:15 am ▪️ Breakfast
9:30 am ▪️ Campers enjoy three morning activities with their group.
12:30 pm ▪️ Lunch
2:45 pm ▪️ Campers enjoy three morning activities with their group.
5:45 pm ▪️ Dinner
7 pm ▪️ Nighttime activity with hogan
9-11 pm ▪️ Hogan time + lights out
7:45 ▪️ Sonrise Circle
8:15am ▪️ Breakfast / pack up
9:30am ▪️ Campers enjoy two morning activities with group.
11:30 am ▪️ Closing worship
12:30am ▪️ Lunch
1:30pm ▪️ Back to hogans
2:00pm ▪️ Rolling pickup begins