Who We Are
A Place Apart
Westview on the James is a summer camp and retreat center, founded by the United Methodist Church in 1966 as a place apart to grow closer to God. Beautifully located on 780 acres of rolling hills and fields, including an 18-acre lake and 1 mile of riverfront, in Goochland, Westview continues to be a place to grow and connect.
Who is responsible for my child during camp?
At least two counselors are responsible for every group and Hogan. Campers will also have opportunities to interact with many other counselors during the week.
What are the sleeping arrangements at camp?
Campers sleep in Hogans (cabins) with approximately 12 other campers of the same gender. We do our best to keep the grade in the Hogans as narrow as possible. Hogans have bunk beds with twin-sized mattresses. Most campers use the bathhouse on Hogal Hill, while the youngest campers are placed in premium hogans with built-in bathrooms. Most Adventure Camp programs sleep in tents.
Can my child be paired with a sibling or friend?
Yes! Two or three campers can be grouped in hogans or daytime groups. Campers must be close in grade and each camper must request the other on their registration.
Is the program faith-based?
Yes! Westview on the James is a Christian camp, established and supported by the United Methodist Church. The week begins and ends with a group worship service, and small groups participate in Bible Study. There are no church membership requirements, and individuals of all backgrounds are welcome.
Who leads Bible Study?
Volunteer clergy and laypeople from UMC churches all over the Virginia Conference and former camp staff will lead campers in their Bible study sessions.
What are meals like?
At Westview, we eat our nutritious meals family-style. Campers take turns delivering trays of food to their tables and cleaning up afterward, under the guidance of camp staff. On Wednesdays, all campers cook out with the day groups, participating in age-appropriate meal prep and cooking over a fire with their counselors. Additional options are always available in addition to the main entree and sides. Camp can accommodate common dietary restrictions such as vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets.
What medical care is available at camp?
Dedicated medical personnel are on-site to handle minor injuries, illnesses, and medication distribution 24 hours a day. All senior counselors are first-aid/CPR certified. All pool, waterfront, and adventure camp counselors are lifeguard certified.
Can siblings attend the same session?
Campers are signed up for the session based on grade, but siblings in different sessions can spend time together at various points in the program.
Is Westview the right fit for my camper?
Westview is open to everybody; however, if your camper requires specialized supports, please contact the Camp Office during business hours to discuss if Westview is the right option for your camper. If we are unable to support your camper’s needs, we will gladly help you find a camp that can.

Our Vision

Our Team

Anthony Gomez
Camp Director

Matt Hoover
Assistant Camp Director

Sean Cook
Guest Services Manager

Carter Jarrett
Facilities Manager

Karlus Good
Assistant Facilities Manager
Support Our Work
Westvtview relies on the generosity of our community.