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How do I register my child for camp?

To register for camp, you will need to create an account and fill out some basic information about your child. This information will allow our registration system to identify the camp programs that your child is eligible to attend. 


You can click here to begin.

Does Westview offer any discounts?

Yes, we offer sibling discounts.  The first child registered will pay full price and each additional sibling will receive a $50 discount.  We also offer a Bring A Buddy discount of $75 for those campers who attended Westview in 2023 and bring a friend who has never attended camp at Westview.  The friend will also receive the discount.

*We don't offer discounts for Winter Camp

Does Westview offer scholarships for camp?

Yes, we have a program called Care and Connect.  Please see the section under "Camp" called Care & Connect Scholarship Application.

*We don't offer scholarship for Winter Camp


During the week, in order to ensure the safety of all campers, all visitors to Westview must stop at the office and present their identification before they will be permitted to enter camp property. 

Cancellation and Refund Policy for Summer Camp

A full refund minus the $125 deposit and $3.75 registration fee will be issued for all cancellations made by May 1st.  After May 1st, a full refund minus the $125 deposit and $3.75 registration fee will only be given with written verification from a physician of illness or injury.  

May I visit Westview before camp?

YES! To get a “taste” of what summer camp is like, plan to attend our annual Open House. Tour the camp, try some activities, and meet our awesome staff!  Lunch and refreshments will be provided! Open House is free and you do not need to make reservations.

How many friends can my child request to bunk with?

You can request up to two (2) Hogan buddies and two (2) Day Group buddies. The buddies must also request your child and be the same age/grade. Although we do our best to accommodate every request, we cannot guarantee that your child and his/her buddies will be in both the Hogan and Day Group together.

Adventure Campers do not need to request a buddy since they are such a small group of campers.

Do I have to complete any forms for camp?

Yes, all your child's information will be collected through his/her online profile. You will be asked to provide a complete medical history and other information about your child during registration. Prior to checking-in at camp, please log-in to your account to finish any incomplete forms. Login Here

When is my final payment due?

Camp must be paid in full, on or before, May 1st. Anyone registering for camp after May 1st must pay the balance in full at the time of registration. 

*Winter camp balance will be paid in full at the time of registration

What time does Weekly Check-in Start?

Drop off is staggered alphabetically by the last name of the transporting family:

2:00pm: A-E

2:30pm: F-L

3:00pm: M-S

3:30pm: T-Z

Westview uses a rolling check-in where you will be greeted at the front gate by a staff person who will check-in your camper and provide pertinent information. Next you will roll to the health check-in, where you will drop off any medication to Health Staff. From there you will move on to your assigned Hogan(s) and drop off your camper. Please only spend about 15 minutes assisting your camper in setting up his or her bunk, take a quick picture and a hug goodbye and leave knowing your camper is about to have a fantastic week. We find this helps a camper begin to get acclimated with camp life.

What is the latest time I can bring my child?

Please check-in your child by 4:30pm to allow enough time to get him/her unpacked. Camp activities begin at 5:00pm.  If you are running late, please call the office to make arrangements if your child will be late arriving.

What if I need to pick up my child early?

You will need to fill out an Early Camper Withdrawal Form at check-in. If something unexpected arises, please call the camp office as soon as possible with the name of the person picking up your child & time of departure. That persons name should be on the Authorized Pick-Up list in your child's account.  Proof of identification must be provided at the time of pick-up.

Can I go to my child's Hogan & help him/her set-up his/her bunk?

When arriving at the hogan you will be greeted by your camper's counselor.  The counselor will help the camper take their belongings to the hogan. Parents are more than welcome to check-out their camper's hogan and help them get set up for the week.  The first few hours of a camper arriving at camp and settling into his/her surroundings are important, so we ask that you don't stay for more than 15 minutes to allow your child to interact with the other campers and his/her Counselors. 

What time do I need to pick up my child on Friday? *New 2024*

The Friday Closing is a brief program starting at 2:00pm. This program provides closure for the camp session. It will begin with a short introduction by the Director, followed by a word from the week’s Minister in Residence. The program will conclude with a camp wide song.

Prior to and during the program, you will need to check-out with the staff person at the Check-out Table. Please have your photo ID ready to be compared against the Authorized Pick-Up. You will be given a token of some sort (wrist band, hand stamp, etc.) that indicates you are authorized to pick up your camper. Once the program has finished, you may go to the hogan and retrieve your campers belongings. (you may come as early as 1:00 to pick up your campers gear then wait in the Hogan Hill Shelter)

My child takes medications. Who should I give them to at the camp?

All medications must be collected by the Health Supervisor at check-in. He/She will be available to speak to you if you have any questions or concerns.   Once medications have been turned in, all emergency medications such as epi-pens and inhalers will be distributed to the Counselors assigned to your child. All other medications will be given per parent/doctor instructions by the Health Supervisor.

If my child has been sick within the past week, can he/she still come to camp?

Your child should be fever free for a full 24 hours before arriving at camp.  If your child has had a fever less than 24 hours prior to the start of camp, you may choose to bring him/her to camp once the fever has been gone for 24 hours.

What should my child bring to camp?

Packing List  

Westview suggests that campers bring their gear in a hard sided container.*

  • Sleeping bag and/or sheets & blankets (twin bed size)*

  • Pillow

  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste

  • PJs

  • Long Pants (1 pair)

  • Shorts (at least 5 pair)

  • Shirts (at least 5 short sleeve, 1 long sleeve)

  • Socks (at least 1 pair per day)

  • Underwear (at least 6 pair)

  • Swimsuit (one piece for girls/trunks for boys, nothing revealing)

  • Water Bottle (bringing an extra is encouraged)

  • Rain jacket

  • Beach Towel

  • Closed toe athletic shoes

  • Shower shoes

  • Sandals with heel strap (optional)

  • Flashlight or head lamp

  • Bug Repellent

  • Sunscreen

  • Bag for dirty cloths

  • Bible (first time campers will receive a Bible)

  • Tote bag/ Backpack for pool and shower items

  • Stamps, post cards/ stationary items


*Adventure camp: Soft sided duffle and sleeping bag (no sheets)

This list is designed for a week long stay, please adjust for a half week for Mini Camp

What NOT to bring:

  • Cellphone

  • iPag

  • Smart Watch

  • Food

Can my camper bring his/her cell phone, music, or gaming devices?

No. While there are advantages to connecting to anyone at anytime, we find that there are amazing benefits to spending a week without electronic contact. Our programs are designed to create deeper connections with the people in our immediate presence while living in community and with God in His creation.

Is there a fee to switch weeks of camp?

Before May 1st, you can switch weeks without paying a fee.  After May 1st, there will be a $25.00 processing fee.

Can I send my camper a care package?

Campers love getting mail! While you can mail camper’s letters.


Camper Name

1231 West View Rd.

Goochland, VA 23063

We suggest dropping off your letters at the camp store Sunday on your way out of camp.

Please include the camper’s name and the day of the week for delivery.

Please no care packages or food

What should I do if my child leaves something at camp?

Give the office a call at 804-457-4210 the following week.  If you wait to long to contact the office the Lost/Found may have already been disposed of.

What happens if my child becomes sick or injured while at camp?

Your camper will be taken to the infirmary.  Minor injuries will receive appropriate treatment.  If the camper needs to see a doctor, we will contact you.  If we cannot reach you, we will use our best judgment.  With a physician's written verification of illness or injury, a partial refund will be given.  Westview serves as a secondary carrier for insurance injuries.  Your insurance is the primary carrier.

What happens if my child is homesick?

The counselor will do everything possible to determine the cause of homesickness.  Every attempt will be made to encourage the camper to have a good time.  After 24 hours, if needed, the Program Director will call the parents.  You and the Director will discuss options.  There is no refund if you decide to pick up your child early.

What is your counselor to camper ratio?


Resident camp has a one counselor to seven camper ratio.  Adventure camps have one female counselor and one male counselor to 13 camper ratio.

What kind of food will the Adventure campers be eating and how will it be prepared?

The campers will be eating with the residential campers when on camp property and will be preparing their own meals when off-site.  

What are the Adventure Campers sleeping arrangements?

While on camp property the campers will be staying in tents or one of our lodges, depending on the trek.  When off-site, depending on the trek, the campers stay in tents provided by Westview.  

Can I call my child or can he/she call me while on their Adventure Trek?

Because the campers are spending time in a small group outdoor setting we do not allow phone calls.  We feel this would serve as an interruption, which detracts from the adventure experience.  Please leave cell phones at home.  

What if there is an emergency at home or an emergency regarding my child on the trip?

If you have an emergency at home and you must get in touch with your child you should contact the camp office and we will contact the counselors. While we try to staff the camp office during business hours, the nature of camp sometimes prevents that. Please leave a message or email the camp at If your child is involved in an emergency while on the trip you will be contacted with all the information and we will work with you to develop a plan of action.

Does my camper need money on their Adventure Trek and what for?

For some treks the campers will want a minimal amount of money for possible stops at gas stations, the camp store, etc.  Some treks will visit a souvenir shop.

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